Tips for Protecting Your Small Business From Social Media Risks

While social media can keep owners in touch with clients and followers, these platforms do pose business risks, particularly to smaller ones. Small businesses can suffer dire consequences without a social media defense plan and proper liability coverage. Our experts at Familia Insurance Agency in Kissimmee, FL, offer these protection tips.

Cybersecurity Threats

Hackers can do a lot of damage to your brand and reputation quickly, so you have to address the issue immediately. These cybercriminals can also send virus attachments and messages they set to look like your company sent them. Customers can fall prey to them, and it takes a lot of time to regain their trust. Protection measures include:

  • You and your staff should avoid clicking suspicious links sent to social media accounts.
  • Change passwords frequently, at least every six months.
  • Use a firewall and other management tools for social media accounts.
  • Get cyber and media liability insurance.

Cyber Liability Insurance

Regardless of how diligent you are at implementing protection measures, experienced hackers often work around them. If you use technology to post on social media, cyber insurance might protect you against losses due to data loss, security breaches, hijacked accounts, cyber extortion, and phishing scams. Before purchasing, we’ll help you conduct a cyber loss modeling risk assessment.

Media Liability Insurance

If you market or produce any online content like blogs, pictures, reviews, videos, photos, etc., consider media liability protection. This helps cover you against liability claims, including intellectual property infringement, defamation, and misrepresentation.

Protect Your Business With Social Media Protection

If your business uses social media like most others, contact Familia Insurance Agency and join our family of satisfied customers. We have a physical office in Kissimmee, FL, and serve all of Central Florida with cyber-related insurance and more.

Navigating Renter’s Insurance in Kissimmee: A Must-Have Guide

If you’re looking for renters insurance in Kissimmee, FL, the process can initially be overwhelming. Still, at Familia Insurance Agency, we want to help you understand your coverage options and find the right renter’s insurance coverage for you and your family.

Why Get Renters’ Insurance

People choose to rent for a range of reasons, such as wanting the ability to move more freely or saving up to buy a home of their own, but whatever the reason, renting can lead to some risks you may want to protect against. Although landlords commonly are responsible for the building, tenants are most often accountable for what is inside their apartment, such as personal belongings.

Renter’s insurance is about more than the safety of your possessions. It can also help in situations where there may be other liabilities. For example, if someone has a trip and fall accident in your rental and decides to sue you for damages, renters’ insurance can help cover the costs.

Things to Consider When Navigating Renter’s Insurance

There are some factors that you’ll want to think about as you start the process of getting renter’s insurance. Thinking about these factors will help you know what questions you’ll want to ask and your priorities.

  • Consider your budget and what you can afford or want to spend.
  • Think about the type of assets you have. To do this, you can make a list of the items you have and want to protect to help you determine the amount of coverage you’ll need.
  • It helps to know what kinds of things you’ll want your policy to cover, such as theft or personal liability. Remember that different policies will cover different incidents or disasters.
  • Understand that insurance plans have deductibles, so you will likely have to pay a certain amount before your insurance kicks in. Lower premiums usually correlate with a larger deductible.

Your insurance agent can help you better understand all the components discussed above, but it always helps to reflect on your needs and priorities so you feel empowered rather than overwhelmed.

Embark on Your Renter’s Insurance Journey

If you are ready to embark on a journey towards peace of mind and security through renters’ insurance, we will be happy to help you at each stage. Even if you’re unsure if the renter’s insurance is right, contacting us can help you understand the options available and what policy fits your needs. Familia Insurance will gladly help renters in and around Kissimmee, FL.

Vintage RV Insurance: Restoring and Protecting Classic RVs

The charm of vintage recreational vehicles (RVs) lies in their timeless beauty and nostalgia. Restoring and owning classic RVs is a passion for many enthusiasts. To safeguard these vintage treasures, specialized vintage RV insurance is crucial if you live in the Kissimmee, FL area. 

The Allure of Vintage RVs

Vintage RVs are a window into the past, capturing the spirit of a bygone era. These classic campers and motorhomes evoke a sense of time travel. The appeal of owning and restoring vintage RVs is irresistible for those who appreciate their historical and cultural significance.

Unique Coverage Needs for Vintage RVs

Vintage RVs have distinct coverage needs due to their age, rarity, and sentimental value:

  • Agreed Value Insurance: Unlike standard auto or RV insurance, which typically pays out the vehicle’s actual cash value, vintage RV insurance often offers agreed value coverage. This means you and the insurance company agree on the RV’s value before issuing the policy. It covers a predetermined amount in a total loss. 
  • Restoration Coverage: Vintage RV owners invest time and resources into restoring their vehicles to their original glory. Vintage RV insurance may cover the costs of restoration work, parts, and materials, safeguarding your investment in the project.
  • Coverage for Original Parts: Finding original parts for vintage RVs can be challenging and expensive. Vintage RV insurance may cover the cost of acquiring authentic replacement parts.
  • Limited Use Coverage: Vintage RVs are often used less frequently than modern RVs, making limited use coverage an ideal option. This policy typically offers lower premiums, recognizing that these vehicles are primarily for display and occasional use.

Familia Insurance Agency Can Help You

At Familia Insurance Agency, we can help answer questions concerning RV insurance. We serve the Kissimmee, FL area. Contact us today.

A Quick Look at Motorcycle Accident Stats

Motorcycles can offer a lot of fun and a way to cut through traffic. However, it’s important to be mindful when operating a motorcycle because of increased dangers. It’s also wise to be appraised of motorcycle accident stats so that you know just how significant the risks are. We’ll cover some of the most important stats, but if you have questions or are looking for motorcycle insurance, feel free to contact Familia Insurance Agency, which serves Kissimmee, FL, and beyond.

Key Stats Every Motorcycle Driver Should Know

Motorcycles can’t offer as many safety features as the average car. For example, there’s no way to set up an airbag system comparable to one found in an SUV. As such, the risk of getting injured while operating a motorcycle can be higher if an accident should occur. It should come as no surprise that over 85,000 motorcyclists were injured in 2020.

Sadly, motorcycle drivers without a license are one of the most significant risks. Over a third of motorcycle accidents involve an unlicensed rider. Further, roughly 35 percent of fatal accidents also involve a rider who didn’t have the appropriate license. Before operating a motorcycle, make sure you get the appropriate license. 

Many motorcycle drivers like to operate their vehicles in the summer. It’s not surprising then that August is the most lethal month, with nearly 15 percent of fatal accidents occurring during this month. If you take your bike for a summer cruise, be mindful and ensure you have the appropriate motorcycle insurance policies to cover you, your bike, and anyone else you’re taking along for the ride.

Are you looking for excellent motorcycle insurance policies? Not sure what type of coverage you need? Contact Familia Insurance Agency, serving Kissimmee, FL, for more information.

Boat Insurance Add-ons and Riders

A policy owner can increase their coverage by adding riders to a policy to cover hobby equipment kept on the boat, upgrades to the watercraft, etc. This article explains the most common riders and add-ons for a boat policy to protect your watercraft investment in the waters of Kissimmee, FL, and elsewhere.

Customizing a Boat Policy

Familia Insurance Agency helps customers customize their boat policies to provide for the contingencies most common to their boat use. This coverage includes property on the watercraft and events that can happen to it.

Specialized Coverage Rider

Using your boat for fishing in deep waters can require radar for success. Ensure that the radar system gets insured against loss or damage with specialized coverage. Use this type of coverage to protect a navigation system or motor upgrade. This rider typically provides actual replacement cost coverage.

Consequential Damage Add-on

When you add consequential damage coverage, you protect yourself from financial loss from wear and tear to the watercraft. It covers items like corrosion, rot, mildew, and mold.

International Cruising Coverage

Fishing or traveling may take you and your watercraft into international waters. International cruising requires a rider, so your coverage extends to other nations. Of course, accidents happen everywhere, so it also makes sense to cover rescuing your watercraft if something happens to it out in the deep blue.

Salvage Cost Rider

This rider covers marine salvage, whether your boat gets damaged so it cannot return to shore or you must abandon it for safety’s sake. The salvage insurance also covers the cost of retrieving your cargo.

Towing Coverage

Sometimes, you run out of gas and need a tow to shore. A towing add-on pays this cost so you can return to the marina. Because a tugboat tow costs a lot more than you think per hour, a few dollars per month can save you a lot of money when you need this service.

Contact Familia Insurance Agency Today

Let Familia Insurance Agency, serving Kissimmee, FL, help you customize your boat policy. Contact us today for an appointment.

What Is Umbrella Insurance?

It’s essential to have enough insurance to protect yourself financially. You may have several insurance policies, but that may not be enough if a serious incident happens. Accidents happen, and the resulting bills can be costly. You can make sure you’re better protected by getting umbrella insurance. Call us at Familia Insurance Agency in Kissimmee, FL to get started with a policy. 

Add to Other Insurance Policies

Umbrella insurance is a type that adds coverage on top of some other policies that you already have. When you have a home and auto policy, getting umbrella insurance adds a blanket of coverage on top of both. It’s essential to have this extra coverage in case a serious accident costs a lot in medical bills and other expenses. After you have your home and auto policies in place, you can add umbrella insurance to raise the maximum payout for both policies. Getting umbrella insurance is much more cost-effective than directly adding more coverage to both policies. It saves you money and gives you peace of mind because you’ll know you’re protected against accidents. 

How It Works

Once an accident happens in your home or vehicle, your home or auto insurance will pay for the resulting medical bills from injuries. However, these policies can only pay up to their maximum payouts. After that, there may be more medical bills left over. When you have umbrella insurance, this policy comes in to pay what’s left over. These policies have extremely high maximum payouts to keep you protected. 

Get Umbrella Insurance

When you want more insurance coverage, we can help. Call us at Familia Insurance Agency in Kissimmee, FL to get umbrella insurance.

Mitigating Flood Risks: Steps to Reduce Your Vulnerability

Living in Kissimmee, FL is terrific, but it comes with the risk of flooding. Floods can be caused by heavy rainfall, melting snow, or even a hurricane. The devastating effects of flooding can result in damage to property, displacement of people, and loss of life. But you can prepare by protecting yourself and your home from floods is essential. Familia Insurance Agency shares some steps to reduce your vulnerability to floods.

  1. Invest in Flood Insurance: One of the best ways to protect yourself and your property from flood damage is to purchase flood insurance. Remember that most standard homeowners’ insurance policies do not cover flood damage, so it is important to obtain flood insurance.
  2. Raise Your Property: If you live in a known flood zone area, it may be beneficial to elevate your property. This can help keep your home above the flood waters in a severe flood. Consult with a professional contractor to ensure your house is adequately elevated.
  3. Install Flood Protection Devices: Several flood protection devices can help reduce your flood vulnerability. Consider installing sump pumps, check valves, and backflow preventers. These devices can help to prevent water from entering your home and causing damage.
  4. Secure Your Property: Ensure loose items like lawn furniture and grills are secured and anchored outside your home. Small items, like umbrellas, can become dangerous projectiles in a heavy storm.

Take measures to protect your family and property before floods happen. Get flood insurance, prepare your property in Kissimmee, FL, and do all that you can in advance. Contact Familia Insurance Agency for more proactive measures to reduce flood risk and could save you and your property from future destruction in Kissimmee, FL.

Does Condo Insurance Cover Stolen Belongings?

At Familia Insurance Agency in Kissimmee, FL, we help clients protect their most valuable assets and possessions, including their condos. If you’ve ever had condo insurance, you’ll know that every condo insurance policy is different. Still, there are key similarities between policies in terms of coverage.

In the tragic event of a break-in, you might wonder if your condo insurance policy could help you cover the cost of replacing some of your most precious items. While specifics vary from one policy to another, we can answer this question generally.

Does Condo Insurance Cover Stolen Belongings?

When someone has invaded your condominium and stolen important items, the last thing you want to think about is how you’re going to pay to replace those items if they aren’t returned. Knowing what your condo insurance policy covers can give you some assurance and security. 

While your policy might have different terms, condo insurance policies generally include personal property protection to cover stolen items like large electronics, furniture, and other valuable items. The amount that the insurance might reimburse for these items depends on the limits and specific conditions of the policy, so it’s always good to ask your insurance agent about these terms before you end up in this challenging situation.

If an item was stolen off the premises of the condo, it’s unlikely that your insurance policy will cover that replacement expense. For example, you have a stereo that usually stays in your condo. If you took it with you on vacation and experienced theft at your hotel, you wouldn’t be able to cover replacing that stereo with your condo insurance.

For more information about our condo insurance policies at Familia Insurance Agency in Kissimmee, FL, call our office today!

Tips to make your home more energy efficient

Saving energy at home is a great way to save money and help the environment. There are lots of simple changes you can make that will make your home here in the Kissimmee, FL area more energy efficient, helping to reduce your carbon footprint and lower your monthly bills.

Here are some tips from us at Familia Insurance Agency to get you started:

1. Install Energy-Efficient Lighting: Switching out old lightbulbs with LEDs or CFLs can provide significant energy savings. LEDs also last longer, so you won’t be replacing them as often. 

2. Unplug Appliances When Not in Use: Most appliances use electricity even when they’re off if they’re plugged in, so unplugging them when not in use is an easy way to save energy and money. 

3. Seal Leaks Around Windows and Doors: Sealing any air leaks in your windows and door frames can help keep heated air from escaping during the winter months or cold air from leaking out during the summer months, which saves on heating costs. 

4. Invest in a Programmable Thermostat: A programmable thermostat helps you keep your temperature at comfortable levels while ensuring it’s not running all day (or at night). Set it up to turn off when you’re away from home or asleep so you don’t waste energy on unnecessary cooling or heating cycles. 

5. Wash Clothes in Cold Water: Most loads of laundry can be washed just as well in cold water, so opt for this setting whenever possible—it’ll save energy and protect colors since hot water can fade fabrics faster. For more tips, give us at Familia Insurance Agency a call today. We are proud to serve the Kissimmee, FL area.

Three things you might not realize about commercial insurance

Investing in commercial insurance is important if you own a business in Kissimmee, FL. At Familia Insurance Agency, we provide insurance coverage to companies like yours.

You need to do your research to be fully informed about commercial insurance. The following are three things you might not realize about commercial insurance. 

Commercial insurance includes many types of coverage.

All commercial insurance policies are different since there are so many different types of commercial insurance. When you buy commercial insurance, you can choose to have liability, property, auto, errors & omissions, or workers’ compensation coverage included in your insurance policy. 

Before you buy a policy, you need to understand the different types of coverage that can be included in a commercial insurance policy. 

Commercial insurance may be required by law.

Some business owners don’t realize they must have commercial insurance. 

You might run into a lot of problems if you don’t have coverage when you’re required to carry commercial insurance. Be sure to read up on laws in your area and commercial insurance requirements if you’re a business owner in Florida. 

You have many options available regarding commercial insurance coverage.

When it comes to commercial insurance, there are always plenty of options available. Shop around to find the right insurance policy. 

Some insurance providers will offer better deals than others. That’s why you should get numerous quotes before purchasing a commercial insurance policy from a particular provider. 

We provide insurance policies to companies in Kissimmee, FL at Familia Insurance Agency. Contact us today to learn more about commercial insurance or get a quote on a commercial insurance policy.